Overbrook Land Improvement Co.

Addresses unconfirmed, Overbrook [Philadelphia], PA

1890-91 | Speculative Residences | Undetermined


“Minerva Parker architect 14 S. Broad street, Phila., has prepared plans for a series of houses to be erected by the Overbrook Land Company, near Sixty-first and Columbia avenue, they will be of different dimensions and erected of stone, native to the locality and gray in color, they will be finished in the best style and with every modern comfort and convenience, two-and a-half and three stories high, the cost will be about $7,000 to $10,000 each.” (November 26, 1890)

Overbrook is located at the outskirts of Philadelphia, and this company was involved in developing its residential streets as a suburban community. Minerva completed several speculative commissions for the company, including this project, a commission in 1890/91 for “a dwelling,” and a potential commission for a hotel in 1891.

Lewis T. Brooke was involved in at least one of these commissions for the Overbrook Land Improvement Company as a real estate broker; his office shared a building with Minerva’s studio in downtown Philadelphia, and he also commissioned a residential design from her in 1889/90. James A. Patterson was also associated with the company; like Brooke, he commissioned an individual speculative residence from Minerva, in addition to the company commissions.

We are still in the process of confirming addresses for this “series of houses.”